Thursday, August 21, 2014

Upside Down

            Is it just me or does it seem that the world has turned upside-down? There seems to be an increased amount of violence on a global scale.  I read about violent crowds, shootings, tear-gas, and bombings in the news more than of anything else.  I know that the old newspaper adage, “if it bleeds, it leads”, may have a great deal to do with my heightened awareness.  However, the violence itself is real.  And it’s both terrifying and saddening to me. 

            I haven’t written much of late due to all of this craziness.  I have opinions, of course, but would hate to have my viewpoints misinterpreted and lead to more negativity.  The situation in #Ferguson, Missouri has been beyond my comprehension. In this, I see a reflection of the past.  It reminds me of Mississippi and the Freedom Summer of 1964.  If you aren’t familiar with that bit of history, it is easily researched. I recommend visiting and for more information on that momentous event.  Once you review these links, you too may find the parallel between the events of 50 years ago and last week. 

            They say one can’t judge another until they walk in their shoes.  Is that truly the case? It appears that no one is attempting to understand what is happening from any other perspective except his or her own.  And I can understand that to a certain extent.  We are all guilty of looking at life from our own point-of-view.  It can be difficult to identify with situations and people that are far removed from our own experiences. Shouldn't we at least try though?

            Still, I can’t understand the severe cruelty of this world. I can’t understand how one person or group of people can torture, maim or destroy another human being, young or old, or an innocent animal.  How extremist groups overseas can capture journalists, imprison them for years and murder them viscously while recording it to be broadcast over the Internet.  I refuse to watch that. Instead, I pray for #JamesFoley and for his family. 

             True, I’m just looking at this from my point-of-view, but I can’t see how anything that leads to murdering innocents is justified.  My heart breaks and my concern for humanity continues to grow.  Is our species truly doomed? Will we eventually destroy ourselves completely?

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