Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Women's Place

            I must confess that I am completely baffled by the anti-feminist movement. Why would any woman be against feminism?  I did a bit of research and came across an article in the Washington Post titled Is this what an anti-feminist movement looks like?  It includes the Tumblr account with the photos I’ve seen going around on social media holding up signs that have anti-feminist statements. 

I have noticed that the word feminist is being poorly received by some young women. I believe the negative connotations stem from a misinterpretation of the word as well as a misrepresentation of the word by certain conservative groups.  A feminist is not anti-man; a feminist supports the rights and equality of women in all things and in all places. 

As a leader in the feminist movement, Gloria Steinem has been talking about the value of women for decades.  She raised her voice and helped us gain perspective on who we are, what we deserve and what we are capable of.  In fact, earlier this year she had a conversation with Jennifer Aniston on the subject. If you aren’t aware of her work please visit www.gloriasteinem.com and learn more.

Young American girls today may not realize how many limitations were placed on women in the past.  Because of the work of feminist women we have the right to vote, to work and to have an education.  It’s not like that in every country. Do you believe that Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani teenager shot by the Taliban for going to school, would be anything other than a feminist?  Young girls like Malala Yousafzai and women like Gloria Steinem help pave the way for the rest of us so that a women’s place is anywhere she wants it to be. Learn more about all of this before taking up any sign. 

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